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Helijet Accessibility Plan

By April 22, 2024June 14th, 2024IFR Blog / Helijet News

At Helijet, we are in the process of developing an Accessibility Plan.

We take pride in supporting British Columbia’s vibrant economy and providing vital, safe, secure, and dependable transportation from our terminals and bases in Richmond, Vancouver, Victoria, Nanaimo, Prince Rupert, and Haida Gwaii for over 35 years.

The safety of our passengers and employees is top priority. Helijet is committed to enhancing services and facilities without compromising safety. This commitment extends to identifying, removing, and preventing barriers to equal access across our network, facilities, and services.

In 2023, Helijet engaged InterVISTAS Consulting to evaluate its barriers and develop a plan to enhance accessibility for passengers and employees with disabilities.  This plan focuses on a three-year period from 2023 to 2026 and outlines how Helijet will continue identifying, removing, and preventing barriers from being introduced into its operating environment for both passengers and employees.

We categorize barriers into the following five (5) categories:

Attitudinal barriers: These barriers result when people think or act based on false assumptions.
Systemic barriers: These barriers include policies, procedures, or work instructions that result in some people being excluded from activities, employment, or other services.
Technological barriers: These barriers occur when technology, such as a smartphone application, cannot be accessed by people with disabilities.
Information and communication barriers: These barriers are created when information is offered in a format that suits some of the population, but not all people.
Physical/architectural barriers: These are physical obstacles that prevent access to a facility, room, or other location.

As we continue to develop this accessibility plan, Helijet welcomes feedback from passengers, employees, and disability advocacy groups.

We encourage you to read the Accessibility Plan, follow progress reports, and provide your feedback.

Feedback Process:

Individuals may download and complete the Feedback form below or contact Helijet directly via our website, social media, toll-free number, email, mail or in-person at any of Helijet’s facilities.
DownloadHelijet Accessibility Plan Feedback Form (fillable pdf)

  • Telephone (Toll-Free): +1-800-665-4354
  • TTY Relay Service:
    1. Dial 711
    2. After the operator confirmation, type in +1-800-665-4354
    3. The operator will dial the number for you and act as interpreter.
  • Fax: +1-604-273-5301
  • Email: accessibility[at]
  • Mailing address:
    Helijet International Inc.
    5911 Airport Road South
    Vancouver International Airport
    Richmond, BC V7B 1B5

Feedback may be provided anonymously by any and all of the previous methods of communication. We will acknowledge that we received feedback and will respond to it in the format in which we received it.